Live Online Watercolour Class every tuesday with Artist David Harvey


come and join the Zoom Watercolour class every Tuesday 10.30am GMT with lead artist David Harvey
click below to Watch this weeks zoom group Video here...

This site is to promote the amazing artworks created by the attendees of the Zoom Watercolour sessions led by lead artist David Harvey. Borne out of necessity to compenensate for not being able to meet in person as the Parkstone Art Group - the images on the page are just a few of the works produced each week - see the Gallery to browse more amazing works. Why not join on a Tuesday it's not expensive, friendly Group.  
best regards - David..

Beginners -  "all welcome " - Advanced
watercolour lessons online

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"It's enough for a man to understand his own business, and not to interfere with other people's. Mine occupies me constantly. Good afternoon Gentlemen."​ Scrooge

All the amazing images on​ this website are by the Tuesday zoom workshop attendees.

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 Art Lessons  Classes and Worshops in the Bournemouth Poole and Christchurch area.
 online zoom watercolour lessons and tutorials

watercolour zoom lessons