Daves Watercolour Class Notes

Latest equipment recommendation's

I use Langton Watercolour - suggest getting "Not" finish to start off
later add Cold Press (smooth for portraits/delciate subjects)
and Rough finish (replace the Not).
perhaps try a large pad A3  or  A2 pad

St. Petersburg are really good

I use Terry Harrison brushes
good start out set here:

FanGogh fan brush
Golden Detail Small
Half Rigger
Golden leaf

they have started to come up on ebay too so worth a quick search

also get a nice mop from
rosemary & co
Short Handle size 0 (often do the complete painting with one of these.)

Gumstrip gummed tape for stretching paper
amazon here:

Stretching watercolour paper, here's the link to my demo - even though last few months
I soak the paper in the bath for 10mins or so
link on youtube

Drawing Gum - (better than masking fluid)
from Amazon

Sennelier Art Masking Fluid & Applicator. For Artists Watercolour.
handy for masking fine lines from Amazon

Current Working Palette and Paints

Current working palette originally for portraits but seems to have taken over as the daily working go to
 mostly using St Petersburg watercolor paints.
I started off buying the pans but now just buy the tubes to top them up - and for flexibility.

 The White Gouache I like to use is LEFRANC BOURGEOIS Linel Gouache Extra-Fine  - you're best bet is search google etc online - not always easy to find the 60Ml tubes - I'm currently used Zinc white - but there is a Titanium White I'll try out when back in stock - it's not that mission critical anywhere - its just to aid the fine smoothing and blending the painting with a damp brush a few days down the line when all is nice and dry. 


The brushes I'm using especially for Portrait work are the Evergreen Flat (No 6) and Pointed Round (No5) hand made brushes brushes from Rosemary & Co.

Raw Umber + Burnt Sienna = Burnt Umber

Shadow = Blue + Crimson + Burnt Sienna

Black = Blue + Burnt Sienna or Burnt Umber
or Alizarin Crimson + Hookers Green

Water = Ultra Marine + a touch of Hookers + a touch of Burnt Sienna

(ref. Charlie Evens)

try adding a little pink (alaz crimson) to greens
(ref Mark Entwistle)